Introducing St. Louis' newest Underdog...Urban Underdog Pale!
The American Lager, once the workhorse beer in American breweries everywhere, is sometimes forgotten in the modern beer scene. However, Urban Underdog (American Lager), UCBC's 'little guy on the street', has certainly earned the adoration of many a St. Louis beer lover. But being the Underdog can also be a bit lonely...
Thus, it's with great pleasure and excitement that we introduce Urban Underdog American Pale - a hop-forward, effervescent American Ale and natural companion/best friend to Underdog American Lager.
Everyone loves an underdog...or two!
Urban Underdog American Pale
ABV: 4.8%IBUs: 30Hops: Calista, Citra, Mandarina Bavaria, CascadeMalt: Pale Ale, CaramelAvailability: Find Underdog Pale in 4-packs of 16oz cans OR as part of the Dog Pack 8-pack, at your favorite grocery or liquor store in the STL Metro area!
Brewery Locations
The Grove
Our Grove location has a full kitchen, with a bit broader selection, from German fare to pizzas to sandwiches.
The Midtown
Serving your favorite burgers, fries and salads at our Midtown Biergarten! Try our new plant-based burger!
Urban Chestnut's third brewery is located in the Hallertau region of southern Germany, near our Brewmaster's home town.